All posts by admin

Go To File – A quick Open File dialog for Visual Foxpro

Here’s a new tool I’ve written for Foxpro to add a cool feature for quickly opening a file by entering part of its filename. It’s a fast heads-down way to navigate files in your Project or the Current Directory. Just type a few characters of the filename and it will begin to filter the list of files based on a partial match. When you see the file you want, just click on it, or use the arrows keys and press enter. You can also filter on basic file types such as SCX, VCX, PRG, and FRX.

Think of it as a quick way that you can tell FoxPro “Hey, I want to open a file… I know part of the filename, but I want you to find it for me.”

For now, you can download it here: Download (Note: future updates may be posted on VFPx in the Thor Tool Repository package.)

Please send comments or suggestions to me in the comments area at the bottom of this post.

This tool is just a basic FoxPro form that can be invoked from the command window, added to your custom menu, or invoked by a keyboard macro. However, I recommend invoking it with the new Thor add-in manager for Visual Foxpro. You can learn more about Thor here: Thor add-in manager for Visual FoxPro. Once you have Thor installed in VFP, you can just drop these files into the “Tools” folder and then you will see GoToFile in the tool list where you can easily assign a hotkey to it.



FoxPro class to generate SCCText for all files in a Project

Version control for FoxPro source code

If you want to place your FoxPro source code files in a Source Code Repository of some sort, you usually need to generate text file versions of your table-based FoxPro files like SCX, VCX, and FRX. These text versions of the binary FoxPro files are necessary for the versioning features of code repository tools work properly. FoxPro is unique in having binary source code files in a projects, whereas most other languages use raw text for all of their code files.

We’ve long had a tool to generate these text versions of our Forms, Classlibs, and Reports (see the updated SCCText app here: However, using this file is still a tedious way to get your SCC files generated if you try to do it by hand. Sure, the FoxPro IDE can hook into this app if you set it all up and are working on one of the source control systems that VFP was natively designed to work with. But VFP is getting kind of old, and there are many options that exist today the VFP simply cannot work with out of the box.

I recently wanted to use the Mercurial source control repository to manage the development of my GoFish 4 Code Search project. I set up a free project hosting account on and installed the Tortiose Hg software on my Windows machine, and then I was able to commit code changes to this magic repo in the sky and share it with the whole world.

Sadly, VFP does not have support for this newer Distributed Version Control System, so I can’t “hook up” FoxPro to use SCCText and then “check in” my code in the VFP way.

VFP Version Control with Mercurial

Rick Borup presented a session at SWFox 2011 on using Mercurial version control with FoxPro source code. You can get a free PDF copy of the whitepaper here:

The CreateSCCText Class

To automate creation of the SCC files, I have created a custom class with a method that recursively calls SCCText for each file in a VFP Project. It’s a snap to use this simple class in a PRG and run it each time right before you commit  changes up to your repo. You can also create a ProjectHook class and include a call this class in the AfterBuild(). It will then automatically create updated SCC files every time you build your VFP project.

It’s DateTime aware for each file, so it will only re-generate the SCC files if the date of the VFP source file is newer than the existing SCC file. This way, when you post your commits, you’re only pushing up SCC files that have changed since the last push. There is also support for skipping over certain files that you may not want to process with SCCText.

I owe a lot of credit to Paul for getting me started on that SCCTextGeneration stuff.  He gave me some helpful code in a UT message when I asked a question about running a process on every file in a Project.  He basically gave me the code to do it in his reply (see message# 1507894).  I just bundled it all up in a class/module and made some noise about it.

You can get the source code for this simple class here:

Other sources for getting and using SccTextX

*UPDATE*  Here’s newer way that I’ve begun to automate the generation of text files from the FoxPro binaries – *before each commit*, I run this code below which calls a Thor Procedure to generate the text files from the pass project (I wrote this Thor Proc and passed it on to Jim and he included it in Thor.)  You can get Thor Tool Manager for FoxPro from the VFPx site. It adds lots of great developer tools to the Visual FoxPro IDE.



Basically, you pass in your project path, and it generates the text files by calling a slightly modified-for-Thor verison of SccTextX that we’ve included with Thor.

Selected programming job posting trends as of March 2011

Job postings chart for some programming common languages (as of 3/24/2011).

Hey – What’s that BLACK line down at the very bottom? (Answer: FoxPro)

You can see that C# has about 3 times the job postings as Ruby or Python, and that that Ruby and Python are on a path to overtake Visual Basic.

Use this link to view the chart and explore others:

3-24-2011 12-45-20 PM

Writing tests for Business Objects in FoxPro

I’ve blogged before about converting my FoxPro apps from application forms to the Business Object based programming approach (thereby moving away from forms based heavily on open tables, work areas, and relations). I used the West Wind wwBusiness classes to make this transformation, and it is the most exciting VFP work I have ever done. A Business Object framework like West Wind wwBusiness automatically gives you basic niceties such as methods like Load() and Save() right there on the BO to do all the back end data handling for you. This feature alone allowed me to greatly reduce the amount of code I had piled up in click events all over my *forms* for many years. No more worrying about the the record pointers, or relations, or binding my form UI controls directly to table names and fields. I promise you, once you go BO’s you’ll never go Back!  (Don’t get sidetracked from this post yet, but you can read my original review of the West Wind wwBusiness library here.

Another benefit of BO classes is that you can now programmatically drive your application’s activities by making method calls into the various methods on the BO. No UI forms required… Just good old procedural code! For instance, on my Job Business Object, I have lots of methods to fetch records into a local cursor, array, or collection, as well as other methods that change or examine data on the BO, or return scalar values, etc.  I started out forcing myself to  test my BO’s from the command line to make sure I could manually orchestrate everything I wanted my forms to do. This would ensure that it would require very little code in the UI forms to make the app work. With all the essential code tucked away in methods on BO classes you can then basically create the same app in SCX Forms, or web frameworks, or just good old procedural programming in various PRGs. Plus, the ease of maintenance improves greatly, since all your code lives in one class, rather that splashed all over the place inside a form.

So I’ve had this vision, after hearing more and more about all this “Test First” buzz in other coding circles like .Net and Rails, that I could write a suite of PRGs that serve as tests I can run at any time on my entire collection of BO’s. This allows me to immediately test every BO in my library any time I make code changes anywhere in the class hierarchy, or even if the table schemas changed too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made low level changes in the base classes, or added a new top level method to a concrete class, or changed a field name in a table, and the only real way I’ve had to test the changes is to throw out a beta version of the app, and drive it around like a real user to see if it works correctly, or has errors.


Here is a peek at one of my Business Objects; the “Job” Business Object which is a vital part of many forms in my app. There are perhaps 20 or more granular methods that can be called to do all kinds of fancy stuff on a Job in our system.

Every method  can be called directly from the Command Window, or from methods in forms, or from within PRGs. Just create an instance of the Job object, and off you go. Most of this code once lived in a SCX form somewhere, until I pulled it all out and put it in this Job Business Object.


And shown below is a sample of the test code I have written which creates a Job Business Object, and then tests a particular method (the GetActiveJobs() method in this example). You’ll see in the comment that this method can accept up to 5 parameters, so I’ve written tests for many possible combinations of parameters and values. Even with this many test calls, I’m sure there are a few combinations that I may have missed. This shows how tedious a full test suite can become. In this testing approach, you basically *TRY* to break your code by passing in every possible combination of parameters that these business classes might see in real application usage. Remember, you want to write these classes with the idea that you or someone on your team will be working with these classes for years, you simply expect them to work without knowing all the do’s and don’ts about calling into these methods.


What you don’t see here is that the test method calls likes BeginningOfTest(), TestProgress(), and EndOfTest(), record logging info to a results file that I can then review to study the return values, processing time, etc.

Now, the bad thing is that if I complete this exercise, there are perhaps 20 or more methods that I must write tests for, and that’s just on the Job Business Object. Then I’ll have to tackle all the other Business Objects in my libraries (PurchaseOrder object, Quote object, Part object, etc. About 15 Business Objects in all). So this is no trivial amount of work, and you have to remember to write a test for every new method you add to a Business Object, otherwise, you’re letting the thing fall apart. It’s very easy to look at your code and think you’ve got everything or every situation covered, but certainly creating a formal test suite for your classes will help identify problems before you take your app to production. Oh, you’ll also notice that CreateWWBO() is a factory method that returns a Business Object based on the passed key, so there’s some other coding in my architecture that resolves this tag and the class name as well as the class library.

And here is the output to the log file. If there were any errors returned from the Business Object, or if the return results were not the expected results, then I’d see reporting to this effect in the log file. Now, there is some coupling here between these tests and test data that I’m running against, so the test could appear to break if some of the test data changed, so this is no magical solution and requires some attention to this detail when preparing and running these tests. To me, the main effort is to find broken code in the classes given a predictable data set.



This is just one code sample. I have other tests that test the basic Load(), New(), Save(), and Delete() methods as well.


By the way, you can read my original review of the West Wind wwBusiness library here

Extracting Enum values from an assembly file using the Object Browser in FoxPro

Thanks to a helpful comment from Doug Hennig, I’ve learned how to use the Object Browser in Foxpro to extract Enum values from an assembly file right into a .h file inside of FoxPro.  By an “assembly”, I mean a dll file that is installed on your machine when you install software or API tools to communicate with various software packages.

For instance, here is the Object Browser in FoxPro taking a peek inside a dll assembly from the QuickBooks SDK ver 10:


I posted an article recently about communicating with QuickBooks from FoxPro, where I explained some problems I began having with the .h include file I was using, which had become out of date when we upgraded to the latest version of the QuickBooks SDK. You can see that post here if you’re interested in the original problem I was having:

The problem was that I needed the latest Enum values (“constants” in FoxPro) from the new assembly that came with the QB SDK ver 10. The Enums from a dll are exposed nicely when programming inside Visual Studio, but there is no FoxPro .h include file included in the QuickBooks SDK for us Fox programmers. I knew the information I needed to create a FoxPro .h file was hidden away in that .dll somewhere, I just didn’t know how to get them out of there in an automated fashion. In the original post linked above, I showed where I was able to see them inside of Visual Studio, and even determine the values of each one, but it was a very manual process. I was sure there was a better way. And there was. It was super-smart FoxPro MVP Doug Hennig who showed me the way, using the Object Browser in FoxPro.

So, with a little expansion on Doug’s original hint, I was eventually able to drag-and-drop the  entire Enum node from that QB assembly file right into a code file in FoxPro to get a full list of constants nicely defined and formatted in a .h include file.

It turns out that the Object Browser in FoxPro has some pretty good (but not perfect) support for this… It was close, but not exactly what I needed, since it required a LOT of manual drag-and-drop maneuvers. So I Googled around and stumbled upon the golden nugget that I needed to completely solved the problem to my liking. To dig into the solution I found, you can check it out here: I am not going to repeat all the code and discussion from that thread in this post, just to avoid redundancy. There’s a lot to be learned from reading the thread yourself if you want to dig into the details, but that’s not necessary unless you want to explore the issue deeper. In short, I followed the thread and picked out the various instructions and was able to have it all working in just a few minutes.  So, to make it easy for everyone else, you can skip all the details in that post and just download the enhanced version of the Object Browser from the links below. Or, If you want to dig deeper into the code yourself, I’ve given you the steps you’ll need to follow to make the modifications yourself….

Instructions to modify the Object Browser for Enum Extraction

Fortunately, the source code for many of the FoxPro tools like the Object Browser were release to the community a few year ago so we could enhance them and keep the tools current.  That’s what the guys in the dbmonster post did to solve this problem (link below), and I’ve wrapped it all up here in an easy download file to share it with you:

Option 1 – Download the modified file from my site and start using it now:

If you do not want to modify the code yourself, you can download the .exe file that I built from here:

If you want a copy of the modified source code, you can download the whole project here:

Option 2 – Do it yourself – To update the FoxPro Object Browser yourself with this expanded functionality, follow these steps…

1. Go to the VFPX site and download the Xsource code here: Extract the ‘obrowser’ tool from the zip and open the project file in VFP.

2. Make these changes to the source code… (follow the discussion and see the code at this link:

3. Next, compile the project to an .exe (name and location is your choice).

4. Now you can run your new version of the Object Browser to accomplish this task and output shown above.


Here’s the beautiful output you’ve been waiting to see.  (Note: I manually added the top few lines of comments to record some notes about how the files was created and what version is.)

By the way, if you happen to need the complete QBFC10Lib.h file that I’ve extracted for with FoxPro, you can download  it here:   If you’re working with a different version of the QB SDK, then you should extract the Enums yourself from the correct dll from your version of the SDK, and build your own .h file.

*** FoxPro constants from QuickBooks SDK assembly QBFC10Lib
*** To see the origin of this file, visit this link:

*— Constant Group: ENOpenMode
#DEFINE omSingleUser    0   
#DEFINE omMultiUser    1   
#DEFINE omDontCare    2   

*— Constant Group: ENRqOnError
#DEFINE roeStop    0   
#DEFINE roeContinue    1   
#DEFINE roeRollback    2   

*— Constant Group: ENReleaseLevel
#DEFINE rlPreAlpha    0   
#DEFINE rlAlpha    1   
#DEFINE rlBeta    2   
#DEFINE rlRelease    3   

*— Constant Group: ENRqResponseData
#DEFINE rdIncludeAll    0   
#DEFINE rdIncludeNone    1   



Adding custom data to QuickBooks invoices from FoxPro

I finally figured out a bug in my VFP code that we use to add data to custom fields in QuickBooks invoices!!!!

Well, actually, it turns out that there was no a bug in *my* code at all… The bug (so to say) was in the qbfc.h constants file that I had used successfully for years to do this very task. However, apparently when I upgraded to QuickBooks 8.0, the Enumeration values for the various QuickBooks object types changed from what they were in the previous version, for which my qbfc.h file had worked just fine.

When programming QuicjkBooks with the QuickBooks SDK, you use various constants to describe what objects, actions, or transactions you want to create or edit. So, the best way to deal with this pattern in programming languages is to assign Enums for each value, which makes your code much easier to read, and modify; you see words rather than numbers, and, should the Enum values change, your code that uses the Enums will still work. However, it *is* important/necessary to update the Enum values to match the API of whatever you are programming against. Duh! So, in C#, the Enums and values live in a namespace and a dll file that you get with the SDK. But, In FoxPro, you have to build your own .h file to define and manage “constants”, which are basically used in the same way as Enums in C#.

The original qbfc.h file that I have came from a guy named Cris Musgrave. I found it somewhere on the internet several years ago. (Thanks, Cris.) The file had dozens of constant names and values assigned. I sure wish I new where Cris got these values, as it appears to be generated from some other source. Surely, he did not type in all the values himself!  Also, it was from 2004, and work great with QB 2004, and so on, until I got to QB8.0. That’s when it quit (a couple of years ago, and I just now got motivated to find the problem!) I’ve tried to find out how to reach him, but I’ve had no luck. (Hey, Cris, give me a shout some time, please.)

So, it turns out the problem was simply that the constants from the qbfc.h file no longer match the integer values for QB8.0. Easy to fix, if I just can learn what the new values are. Well, I’ve looked all of the Google, and I cannot find such info. If you know where to find this valuable info, please let me know.

Here’s the VFP code that sets the object type when you are goinf to add/modify a custom data field on an existing invoice:


So, in the above method call, the “tdetInvoice” is a reference to a constant value from the qbfc.h file, which was defined as 11, but as of QB8.0, I’ve learned that the actual value for the “tdetInvoice” object is 13!!! (See below to learn how I figured this out.) Obviously, I can now see that these values are subject to change with any given release of QuickBooks, so watch out. I sure will.

Here’s a peek at the qbfc.h file I use with FoxPro:



In fact, I’ll bet many/most of the values are now wrong when used with QB8.0.  I need the correct values!!!


Problem Solved

Here’s how I figured out that the correct value for the constant/Enum “tdetInvoice”:

I downloaded a sample C# app a QBFC sample from the Intuit web site, and I opened the Solution file in Visual Studio. I could see in the references that it includes a reference to QBFC10.dll, so I used the Object Browser to peek inside the QBFC10.dll assembly to see the namespaces and Enum classes, and after some snooping around, I found the golden info that I needed:



Then, I wrote a line of code to see what value I got when I referenced this constant:



And, the Watch window in Visual studio will show you the value of a variable:



So, this is a long, slow process, but I have now corrected my qbfc.h file, and my code is working again!!! I suspect there are other changes to, but I only use a small set of them, so, for now, my code works fine. I’d love to know how to extract all the Enum names and values from a dll so I could generate a full, accurate qbfc.f file.  Anyone know how to do this?

How to convert metric limits and fits

Basically, head over to this link: convert-or-lookup-metric-limits-and-fits

They have a simple web tool that will convert lookup metric limits and fits from the metric standards book!

Now, for the background…

Metric Limits and Fits Tolerances

Converting a metric limit or fit designation can be a real pain. A mechanical drawing may have a metric size and tolerance like “50e6” or “80 H8/f7”. What in the world does that mean? Well, there are tons of charts all over the internet to show you the amounts to add and subtract to a basic size for a give limit specification. However, it takes a ton of time drag out the charts or a book and look up all the numbers. Plus, the whole process is error-prone; one small mistake and you’ve just created some bad data.


Convert from metric to inches

Also, in our machine shop business, after we complete the conversion process on the metric sizes and limits, we usually convert them to inches to help out with production on the shop floor.


Web software to the rescue…

Well, let me point you to a site where you can actually lookup and convert metric limits and fits right from your web browser: Give this wonderful tool a try on the Design or Convert tab on the page, and you’ll wonder how you ever lived without this.

Ruby on Rails Support Discontinued in NetBeans IDE

I received this e-mail today (2011-01-27) about the end of Ruby on Rails support in NetBeans…

Here’s a link to the announcement on their website:

This doesn’t surprise me at all, and I’m glad I switched to RubyMine a few months ago! I’ve noticed the Ruby/Rails forums on the NetBeans have been really dead for a while now, and I had already seen the in-house development going down hill.

So, here is the e-mail I received:

From: [===== (Update: 2011-01-27) I blanked out his part to protect the sender, at their request =======]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 4:39 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Important Message: Ruby on Rails Support Discontinued in NetBeans IDE

Dear NetBeans Community:

After thorough consideration, we have taken the difficult step to discontinue support for Ruby on Rails in the NetBeans IDE. Two main issues underpin this decision:

Java SE 7 and Java Development Kit 7 (JDK 7) are the next major releases of the Java SE platform, which Oracle is committed to deliver in 2011. A key objective of the NetBeans IDE has always been to offer superior support for the Java platform. To maintain that objective and capitalize on the JDK 7 release themes–multi-language support, developer productivity and performance–it is necessary that our engineering resources are committed to a timely and quality release of NetBeans IDE 7.0.

Second: Although our Ruby support has historically been well received, based on existing low usage trends we are unable to justify the continued allocation of resources to support the feature.

As of January 27, the Ruby on Rails module will be gone from development builds of NetBeans IDE 7.0. Developers who want to continue to use Ruby on Rails functionality in the NetBeans IDE should please visit the NetBeans Ruby Support page for details on how to do so going forward.

We remain committed to delivering a first-class product to our community of developers and users, and we encourage your feedback on our mailing lists and forums, on Twitter, or by writing to us.

Thank you for your continued support of NetBeans. 
The NetBeans Team

Rails Installer for Windows

There’s a new way to Install Ruby and Rails on a Windows Machine

I wanted to make a small post to point you curious Windows developers over to the new Rails Installer for Windows web site (approx January 18, 2011), which was recently put online by Engine Yard, and is headed up by Wayne Seguin, the author of the popular RVM gem. The site shows three simple steps that will have your Windows box up and running with Ruby and Rails in just a few clicks. There is even a brief 3-minute video showing you just how simple it is to follow the steps and generate your first Rails 3 app in just minutes.

Next, you need an editor…

I think what the did is great; however… I think the stopped one step too soon. They get Ruby and Rails installed on your Windows machine, and show you how to generate your first app, but they stop short of showing you how to edit the Ruby and Rails source code files to actually finish building an app. Most hard core Rails devs are Linux or Mac users, and they eat, breathe, and sleep in a terminal window or some other (weird) text editor to do the actual coding. By now in my coding career, I know that every dev has his or her own favorite editor, and that’s fine; I have my own favorites too.  You could go really hard-code on the Windows platform and use Notepad plus an Explorer window. However, I think that if a new Rails on Windows users does jump on board, they will come out better choosing one the available code editors or IDEs to make their coding experience better.

You can gain a lot of insight about a Rails app just by seeing a visual of the folder structure that you get in a generated rails app. That’s the first thing you need to get your brain around as you start studying Rails. From the folder structure, you will edit the code for various Rails resources (i.e. the Models, the Views, and the Controllers), as well as a handful of config files for a Rails app.

You should check out each of these to see which one you like best: Ruby Mine IDE, RedCar, NetBeans, Komodo IDE, E editor(similar to TextMate)

So, finally, here’s a screen shot of the folder structure for a basic Rails app. (What you see here is in my RubyMine IDE). Those 3 red arrows point to the main folders for Models, Views, and Controllers. You’ll spend a lot of your time working on files in these folders. Also, notice that these folders are subfolders of a folder named “app”. 

So, be prepared to study the various Rails IDE or editors. My personal favorite is RubyMine.

So, check out the Rails Installer for Windows at to start your journey on the Rails path to coding goodness.

Object Inspectors and Explorers for FoxPro

An “object explorer” or “object inspector” is a visual tool that provides a GUI mechanism to explore and navigate the hierarchy of a saturated FoxPro object. This allows you to see all the property names and values that live on an object, and any nested hierarchy that is often present on complex objects like Business Objects.

In my studies of this type of tool, I have come across three available choices. If you know more, please leave a comment, and I’ll add them to the article so that we can have a complete list.

Three tools are reviewed in this article:

  • Mike Feltmans’ Collection Explorer
  • CodeMine Object Explorer
  • Tamar Granor’s Object Inspector (coming soon)

Mike Feltman’s Collection Explorer

At SWFox 2008, I saw Mike Feltman present a session on FoxPro Collections, and in that session he briefly showed what he appeared to regard as an incidental tool he had developed, which he called “Collection Explorer”. Even though it has “Collection” in the name, it actually works on ANY FoxPro object, so I quickly used this tool to take a peek at one of my relatively complex West Wind wwBusiness business objects:

I became really interested in this tool, and instantly added it to my FoxPro IDE toolbox (after bugging Mike for a few weeks to release the final version which he promised in his session). I even integrated it into my production app as a way to allow advanced users to dig around in ways that were not provided in the main forms of my app.

CodeMine Object Inspector

In my typical fashion, I also began to dig around and stir the pot in the community about this problem space, and somehow that lead me to another tool called the CodeMine Object Inspector.  You can download it from here: (under the Free Developer Tools). The source files are dated 1999, which is kind of old, but it seemed to work fine in my initial tests in VFP 9 SP2.  Here is a screenshot:

I have not used it extensively, but at first glance, it seems to cover all the basics that the other tools do.

Tamar Granor’s Object Inspector

Sadly, I did not attend the SWFox 2010 conference after having made my first SWFox conference in 2008, and again in 2009. I first heard about Tamar’s Object Inspector from Jim Nelson, the author of PEM Editor on VFPx, who was at the 2010 conference. We spoke daily during the conference so I was able to keep close tabs on everything.  One of the updates he gave me was that Tamar Granor made reference to an “Object Explorer” tool that she was developing. Following the conference I asked her about it on UT, and sure enough, I eventually saw it for the first time in November 2010. In mid-December 2010 she released a second iteration to a small group for testing and feedback. 

There will be an article on the Object Inspector in the January 2011 edition of FoxRockX.

Release plans: She has stated that her plan is to submit the Object Inspector to VFPx. I don’t know what her expected timeline for release is, but I’ll keep you updated as I know more about it.

Here is a screenshot: