Does Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 run on Windows 10?

I’m sure many die-hard FoxPro developers are curious if Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP 2 will install and run on Windows 10. Well, I wanted to be one of the first to find out, just like I did back when Windows 8 was first released in its early preview.

So, let’s find out…

First, I installed Windows 10 Preview (64 bit) in a BootCamp partition on my 15” MacBook Pro. (Don’t worry about this Mac stuff, it’s still just Windows running on live hardware, just like if it were a Dell or HP computer).  That went very smoothly, and I did a full install, blowing away the Windows 8 playground I had been using  that partition, instead of updating it from Windows 8 to Windows 10.

Next, I gently inserted the Visual FoxPro 9 CD that I still have from circa 2004. First, it prompted me to install some “Prerequisites”, which it did with no problems. Next I moved on to the main VFP install, and I took all the defaults, then the CD spun around for a bit, and finally, it gave me a nice message screen stating “Setup is complete” and “There were no errors during setup.”  Looking good so far!!


Next, I downloaded and installed Service Pack 2 for VFP 9, and once again, got this nice little affirming message box:


Finally, I “installed” the VFP 9 Hotfix 3 for SP2 (i.e. copied the replacement files to the correct places per the instructions in the readme file in the zip download).

We now have a promising Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 entry in the fancy new Windows 10 Start menu:


Yes, but does it actually run??

Now, I finally get to find out if we can run the fully patched Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2 Version 09.00.0000.7423 on Windows 10. So, I launch it from the Start menu, and quickly go the Help –> About screen:


One small issue with Task Pane…

If you launch VFP 9 it will initially show the the Task Pane, but you will get a small error in the view area of the Task Pane window. (Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to fix this below.)

Class definition MSXML2.DOMDOCUMENT.4.0 is not found.


The issue is that Task Pane requires MSXML 4.0 Core Services. If it’s not already installed on your Windows 10 machine, you will get this error reported in the Task Pane app from the VFP IDE.

However, this problem is easily fixed… You need to download the MSXML 4.0 Core package from:

Once, installed, now Task Pane will work properly:


Now, let’s run some code…

Okay, it says the right version number all, but we need  run some FoxPro code to make sure this thing actually works…  So, I just downloaded the Thor Tool Manager for FoxPro from, and ran to put VFP 9 on Windows 10 to its first test. Thor uses tons of well-architected FoxPro code to do it’s magic, along with some UI forms, and it makes use of our beloved FoxPro cursors, so I figured this would be a good test.  I selected about 10 of my favorite VFPx tools from the Check For Updates form in Thor, and it nicely proceeded to download and install all the tools, and gave this confirming output for each one on the VFP desktop as it did its work:


I think we’re good folks!

Next, I ran a few of these tools, just to make sure they’d fire off, and they did. I’m pretty certain at this point, that my business apps would work just fine here, if I took the time to finish out this developer setup.

So, I haven’t done any real coding work in the IDE, and I probably won’t any time soon, but from my basic tests in this experiment, it sure appears to me that our old friend Visual FoxPro is ready to continue its legacy of being an awesome development tool, even on Windows 10, and hopefully on Windows 20 and Windows 30 as well.

Finally, here’s a  peak at the whole IDE running in Windows 10. You can see I docked some windows, and you can see the shading effect that Windows 10 adds around the individual windows.


87 thoughts on “Does Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 run on Windows 10?”

  1. Thanks, Matt! That’s great to know. Now that we know Fox runs like the Fox on Win10, the next question will be: should we recommend Win10 to our clients?

    1. I tested on Windows 10 (WindowsTechnicalPreview-x64-EN-US) several my procedures that are using the old Visul FoxPro 6.0 run time, the procedures work well using the MS treectrl Olecontrol, an ole Zip Unzip ctrl, obviously, accessing big DBFs (more than 1000000 records), connecting with MSSQLs and with IBM DB2 (via ODBC), and so on.
      The only problem is using some API of the WININET.dll, sometimes my class lose the return data (from a Foxisapi server), I will investigate better in the future.
      I tested the procedures on Windows 10 running on a Virtual Machine and quickly (is not the best test).

  2. Where can I get the hotfixes for VFP 9 SP2? I can’t seem to find the hotfixes anywhere, so am stuck at build 5815… Help?

    And thanks for the analysis of VFP running on Win10! Excellent!


  3. I was testing my VFP 9 apps and noticed that my *.chm help file is not launching. If I open Explorer and double-click a help file, it launches normally. Just not from within my VFP program.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

  4. Whew! had me holding my breath. Thank Matt. 🙂 Now hoping WebBrowser control, wininet.dll functions and Rick’s ww classes will work.

  5. Great news Matt ….!

    Thanks for Testing And Sharing your experiences….

    Fox Always Rocks !!!!

    1. I just installed a fresh copy of “Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview” 64-bit (Windows version 10.0.10130 from May 2015 preview release)

      The os() in Visual FoxPro function returns: “Windows 6.02”

  6. Thanks very much Matt, really appreciate you checking that for me.

    Looks like the same thing that’s returned under Windows 8!

    Nonetheless, Windows 10 sounds like a good upgrade. I’ve skipped win8 myself, other than a testing machine.

  7. It would appear as though Windows 10 Enterprise version does not come
    with the Meiryo font. So, if like me you have allowed for Japanese data
    entry, you are stuffed.

    Forms/classes cannot be opened. I have tried changing font at .VCX
    table level, but not with much luck.


    1. Update to Meiryo font.

      Hi All. I tried replacing the Meiryo font via the Code References tool with
      the Yu Gothic UI font, but that fails to replace as the expression value turns
      out to be illegal. I also tried changing the font character set to default by the same
      method, but that failed for the same reason. I guess because Meiryo is not
      within Windows any more.

      Eventually I went in at data level and manually replaced all Meiryo UI
      fonts with Yu Gothic UI. In some cases, I had to change the font character
      set to default (1), then via the object properties, change the character set
      back to Japanese (128).

      Being fairly pleased with myself after such great efforts, I installed the
      new application on to a Windows 8 machine only to find the application
      falls over. Reason -: Yu Gothic UI is not standard font in Windows 8 or 7.

      Moral of story, make sure your chosen font is backwards and forwards
      compatible. 🙂


  8. Hi thanks dear I was afraid before this bcz all my application are developed im vfp 9 and. If microsoft stop vfp in win 10 I lost my buseness thanks again saleem from jaipur infia

  9. Hi Matt,

    Thanks again for the early tip on Windows 10, also the extra bit above what OS() returns. I have this little utility which (I’ve acquired from various tips and) works well for getting the OS(), so I thought I’d pass it on as a return gesture.

    * Just call it as RealWinVersion()
    * Or better:
    * oOS = createObject(“Empty”)
    ? RealWinVersion(oOs)

    function RealWinVersion
    lParameters toObject

    Local objWMIService, colItems, lWasError, objItem, ;
    cRealVersion, cRealVerNum, cRealNumber

    * 11/21/2013 Seems OS() returns same value 6.02 in win 8, 8.1 (and now - 2015 in Win10)
    * This seems to get the true, underlying OS as we really want

    objWMIService = getobject("winmgmts://")
    colItems = objWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
    lWasError = .t.

    * Return empty string on error
    if lWasError
    return ""

    for each objItem in colItems
    cRealVersion = allTrim(transform(objItem.Caption))
    cRealVerNum = objItem.Version

    * Blooming MS, put in a tm and copyright symbol only in POS VISTA
    cRealVersion = strTran(strTran(cRealVersion, "™"), "®")

    if varType(toObject) = "O"
    addProperty(toObject, "pcRealVersion", cRealVersion)
    addProperty(toObject, "pcRealVerNum", cRealVerNum)

    * 2015-08-04 put this nAt in here to get 10.0 or 6.1, etc... win10, Win7...
    cRealNumber = left(cRealVerNum, max(at(".", cRealVerNum) + 1, 3))

    addProperty(toObject, "pcRealOSNumber", cRealNumber)

    * And a combo note we can use for ourselves
    addProperty(toObject, "pcOSNote", ;
    cRealVersion + " (" + cRealNumber + " Real)")

    return cRealVersion && just what this returns from caption

    Hope someone can use it.

  10. Hi Thanks for the info. I have been running vfp9 on Windows 10 for about 3 weeks and may have just discovered a small problem.

    I use the “Lock” command to ensure a unique number is generated when starting a new record. The “Lock Command” works but the “Unlock” command issued at the end of the routine gives an error message. Never had the problem before and some of my DebtControl system users have quite a large number of staff all using the “add” a number routine at the same time.

    I have just removed the “Unlock” command and it is business as usual.

    I have 10 Business systems developed in visual fox used by 100’s of users and I am much to old to learn a new development language so long live VFP9

  11. Hi Mattm

    I have just installed vfp9.0 (+sp2) +hotfix 3 (from vfpx) on release win 10. On initial execution when the taskpane open I received an error : cannot create class msxlm2.domdocument 4.0.

    in syswow64,
    msxml3 and msxml6 are present with dates 7/10/15
    msxml2 and msxml4 are not present.

    examining msxml3 and msxml6 in the object browser shows no domdocument40 class in either, however msxlm3 had domdocument26 and dodocument30.

    I installed msxml4.0 sp3 which has the appropriate class and the problem went away.

    My question – why did you not see the same problem , or is this a new “feature”


    1. Ted – I didn’t notice this initially because I do not use the Task Pane. However, I did confirm your issue on my Windows 10 install, and it is easily fixed:

      To be clear, this doesn’t stop VFP from installing or working properly to develop or run apps. The Task Pane requires MSXML 4.0 Core Services. You need to download it

      So, download the MSI from that link (msxml.msi) and install it, then you’ll be running again!

      Thanks for bringing this up, and I’ve update the blog post to mention this issue, and report the fix.

      Happy FoxPro!!

      (Credit to Craig Berntson for answering this question on the following post: )

  12. When I move anything when editing, the drag shadow is far removed from the actual item I am dragging making it impossible to align this way. Works fine using arrow keys. Maybe a function of my system but no problem in 7.

    Updated from 7 premium to 10 premium, VFP9 Sp2. Compaq laptop

  13. Hi Matt,

    Thank you so much for your step by step instruction to solve the task pane problem I am facing after Windows 10 upgrade! Not only that problem solving advice, also thank you for introducing Thor.

    1. Thank you. However, I did not introduce Thor, that is from our good friend Jim Nelson. He is the mastermind of Thor. I am the author of GoFish Code Search tool and Dynamic Forms, but Jim and I work together on various tools.

      Please join the Google Groups for each of the project to keep up with news and community feedback:

      Thor –!forum/foxprothor
      GoFish –!forum/foxprogofish
      Dynamic Forms –!forum/foxprodynamicforms

  14. One issue I’ve come across in Win10 is related to the Zoom setting in Display Settings. (The setting that says “Change the size of text, apps and other items”.

    If you change the zoom to greater than 100%, text seems to display fine on VFP forms but using VFP reports is an issue. The fonts are scaled up in the VFP report but the page size stays the same, resulting in the report not fitting on the page. You will see the text truncated in preview.

    Has anyone seen this and had success in managing it?

    1. Yes, I’ve come across this issue and a thorough scouring of the internet has turned up nothing but your post above. Wondering how this could be, I took a guess that ReportBehavior is not a popular item among FoxPro programmers. I have it set to 90 but must set it back to 80 to write ASCII files and PDFs using Amyuni. Now I’ve discovered that setting it to 90 results in the behavior you described but 80 will display the previews properly again. I may just resort to 80 and forget about it. 80 prints faster anyway and I have no other reason to use 90.

      Basically, the issue is caused by Windows 10 scaling fonts and forms automatically. On a high DPI monitor running Windows 10, like a Surface Pro screen for instance, the screen resolution is set to 200% so applications are legible but Fox programs think that it is 100% so the printing overwrites the right and bottom margin.

      Hope this helps although you may have discovered this already. I only found your post last night.

      1. Hi John,

        I am having this problem. I bought a new Win10 Lenovo laptop with the his-res display (2560 1440). I am using RDP to log onto a remote server for my client’s. I connected an external 1600 x 12000 monitor and I can get the remote server Desktop to look normal, but when I Preview a report I get that problem your described. It also has the same issue when I run and Preview locally on the laptop without using RDP. The application is written in VFP 8. You mentioned “setting it to 80” and it works. Since I’m using VFP 8, there is no SET REPORTBEHAVIOR command. Any ideas on how I can fxi this? It’s a major issue. Thank you.

  15. Every launch of VFP 9 in Windows 10 asks for a UAC permission for this program “from an unknown publisher,” AKA Microsoft.

    Is there a trick to getting rid of that warning message? I haven’t found anything that works.

  16. Hello,
    I guess many of you guys has still running very interesting apps with vfp9 sp2
    I´d say the complexity of your (still today 2015) running applications and the good performance of vfp9 must keep you there. Happens to me too.
    I am wondering what plans do you have ?
    Are you staying in vfp9 for how long more ?
    and if not, Which is the best platform to migrate?

    I have a few apps on production level doing just fine.
    these particular customers just don’t want to face the dilemma until its too late.
    I warned them and they know.
    I believe its too late already but then again investment is needed.
    So it would be interesting to learn about your plans if you may share…

  17. Hello Everyone,
    I’m trying to get a FoxPro 6 app to run on Windows 10 and get this error. Any suggestions, ideas?

    “OLE error code 0x8002801d: Library not registered”.

  18. Thank you for your suggestion on the other sites.

    I was able to get it working by running the app using the “Run as Administrator” option.

  19. Our small data processing business (mailing list segments and prep), USPS Cass+NCOA services, etc, has been using Visual FoxPro9 and its predecessors all the way back to Ashton-Tate’s dBaseII in 1982-1983. We could not operate without it.

    We are preparing to replace our two server computers (a rackmount Dell PowerEdge/600 which we have used for self-hosting our website, equipped with Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition; and another machine equipped with Windows 2003 R2 Professional Edition).

    Our new system will be include a small Dell PowerEdge server suitable for rack mounting or sitting flat on a desk. We will also have two workstations. One will be the old chassis and drives from the Windows 2003 R2 Professional Edition computer, but with the operating system upgraded by Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, set up in 32-bit mode so we can run all our old 32-bit software programs. The other machine will be a similarly-equipped new Windows 10 Enterprise Edition unit, but in 64-bit mode. Both these Windows 10 machines will be used strictly for database processing and CASS+NCOA job runs. In the future, we will alternately upgrade these two work stations with MS Windows Enterprise upgrades, starting with the old 32-bit machine.


    1) What are the file size limitations for VFP9 in Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit, compared with Windows 10 Enterprise 32-bit?

    2) We have the VFP8 and VFP9 diskettes which our consultant had available from a Microsoft MSDN subscription, and which the consultant used for the original build in 2004. Will these still work now in 2016 for the build we will need for the new 64-bit work station? And can we assume that the Microsoft 32-bit upgrade to Windows 10 leave our VFP system extant?

    Thanks for any helpful advice.

    Arnold Harris
    Fast-Track Listmail

    1. @Arnold_Harris – My friend, that is LOT of questioning to put in a comment on a blog post.

      As I suggested to a previous poster, I suggest you post this meaty query to one of the active forums to see if anyone there can contribute any helpful info to you:


  21. Matt, I am sorry I do not know you. What a wealth of information! I’ve been developing in FoxPro since 2.6. So many times I have thought my company growth had exceeded VFP capabilities and tomorrow would be the end for my 20 year old FoxPro app. When oplock issues arose with Windows 7 and Server 2008, my app came to an unusable crawl. I thought it was the end. We are now running on Surface tablets and Windows 10. I am amazed everyday. So many have helped me along the way. Thank You and the entire FoxPro community for all you do.

  22. Got a weird problem moving over to win 10 pro. Although the vfp8 exe lives on the server under a mapped drive letter. when the user tries to start the app on the network drive, the app presents a do..dialog to the user and the user has to manually find the .exe file from the mapped drive.

    Any thoughts and thanks in advance

    1. @likogunardi – please list specific instructions of what file you copied, and where you placed them.


  24. Hello Sir,
    I am having windows 10 with 64 bit..with an application having .net +visual fox pro as front end & sql as backend..
    while opening software showing error of critical error found & terminated.
    plz give solution.

    1. @Manish – You’ll have to provide more information on the problem to get help. I do not think the comment area here is the best way to get support. You should try to post your issue on Stack Overflow, or Universal Thread, or Foxite, or other populate FoxPro forums.

  25. I just upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10. ODBC support for FoxPro has disappeared. I’ve sat through many support calls at Microsoft. Most support people had never heard of FoxPro and assumed it was some “3rd party product”. As best as I can tell, there is no further ODBC support for FoxPro. I’m wondering when FoxPro will simply stop working on Windows 10 after some automatic update. No one at Microsoft could offer me any assurance that this will not happen. Technically, Microsoft stopped supporting FoxPro January 2015.

    1. @Howard Kroymann – Your claims that ODBC does not work with FoxPro in Windows 10 are simply not true. I have multiple computers on my network that I upgraded from Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10 (64 bit), and every one of them works fine using ODBC to connect to Sql Server. I assume you are talking about Visual Foxpro. I am running VFP 9. Too bad you are having this problem, but I hope you can find a remedy soon.

  26. Thank you for your reply, Admin… That’s not quite the issue I’ve run into. I’ve also got MySQL ODBC drivers working just fine.

    I have a Word document that merged against a FoxPro table through ODBC. That document no longer connects – not in Word 2007 nor Word 2016. The FoxPro ODBC driver disappeared from my data sources after the upgrade. I’m unable to install an ODBC driver for FoxPro. Various Microsoft web links that are supposed to guide me to a FoxPro ODBC driver are dead links. Maybe someone else has run into this and found a solution?

    Now technically… I cobbled together a work-around. I export my DBF to XLS and reset the Word doc to merge against that and got through it. I only mention this dropping of support for the FoxPro ODBC driver as perhaps an early indication of what is to come. I don’t think we’ll get a warning.

  27. Have installed VFP 9 SR2 with all the options but when running the compiled exe in the Win 10 Pro system it can not find the files stored on another station using a Mapped drive on Win 10.
    The files are there but the FILE( ) statement with a mapped variable will not return .T.rue.
    When using the Data on Local C: drive every thing works fine.
    When running the EXE in the FoxPro development system in also works fine.
    When running the EXE in Win 10 Pro it refuses to open the remote Database tables.
    Does anyone have an answer?
    We never had this type of problem in XP or Win 7 using the Server 2003 as a Database file storage system.

    1. Did you find an answer for this?
      I think I have just run into this (or a similar) issue when testing if an ancient but otherwise bulletproof VFP system will work with a planned windows 10 upgrade (from XP and Win98 mix)
      Initial tests suggest some forms(exe) are not being found
      When I tested with win7 it all seemed to work, but breaks with 10

  28. Matt,

    I have lost my Visual Foxpro 9.
    I have tried, Amazon and EBay to buy it. no luck.

    Any suggestion?


  29. Thank you for your excellent article RE VFP9 and Win 10.
    As support for your conclusions; I can confirm using VFP9 Version: 09.00.00000.5815 with Win 10 on MS networks with no problems.
    Some of the code dates back to Fox 2.6.
    I plan to continue using it, as opposed to migrating, for the foreseeable future.
    Let’s face it, VFP is the best. Still pissed off at MS.

  30. So how is the stability of FoxPro on Windows 10 after a couple of years? I know with past OS upgrades, older frameworks start to deteriorate with frequent crashes. What is everyone’s experience with FP on Win10 so far?

  31. An excellent article! I wish I had found it sooner.

    I recently moved to Windows 10 from Windows 7, after years of resistance.

    VFP 9.0 sp2 runs perfectly with one small exception.

    Compiling my primary project’s executable results in a very small .exe file that doesn’t run as expected. I’m currently having to revert to my old Windows 7 device to compile changes to my exe.

    Any thoughts on why that might be?

  32. Trying to run complied VFP 9 on W10 machine. Program looks for missing or corrupted data files first and opens a form for backup restore, but the W10 machine just flashes the title of the form a few times and closes. Tried some path tricks, no luck. Works fine if I delete a file on the W7 machines that have full VFP9 installed. I’m not a pro, but a pretty good debugger, this has me stumped.

  33. gave up and did a full install on the W10 machine. Initially same problem but seemed to be due to mismatch of dbc and pjx. Does not explain why the complied exe did not run (to me anyway) Runs fine now, but I still have no way to distribute the exe and know that it will run.

  34. I have a problem with Visual Foxpro 9. After installing, the Project manager and Command window windows move hard, following the cursor, and middle window positions appears on the screen. In editing, the positioning of objects can only be done with the arrow keys, because with the mouse the position shown is erroneous. Thank you!

  35. Ever since upgrading workstations to Windows 10, we have been having a lot of problems with our FoxPro apps.

    1) Every time we rebuild the executable, the users get access denied when trying to run the program. Rebooting the workstation fixes it.
    2) Random record caching problems have started to occur. You update the record on one workstation, and another workstation does not see the update. You run a query and it bring in records that don’t match the selection criteria. Weird stuff like this. It’s rare, doesn’t happen often, and because of that is very difficult to duplicate.

    This did NOT happen with windows 7 or XP workstations. These applications have been in place for years and are rock solid. Only the users on Windows 10 workstations are having these problems.

  36. I’m trying to run FoxISAPI on a Win2016 Server With IIS 10.
    I’m getting the following error. Any idea what is missing?

    FOXISAPI call failed

    Progid is: foxisapi/foxisapi

    Method is: dll/Status

    Parameters are:

    parameters are:

    Class id for foxisapi/foxisapi not found. Err code = 800401f3: Invalid class string

  37. I am using VF9 since years with no problems.
    when I start using VF9 on windows 10 , it runs perfectly for english application.
    My application are using arabic language , when I change the local administative to Arabic language , too many problems arise

    for example when I open the project and select any object , I can’t see the properties name , properties table will be empty.
    when I browse a table , records shows gray empty records while data is there , I tried too many fonts and try to change fonts and default fonts in registry with no luck.

    The choice for me now is to use old versions of windows for development.
    any suggestions to solve the problem are appreciated.

  38. Still trying to get InstallShield Express to run a complied VFP 9 on either W7 or W10 machine. My program looks for missing or corrupted data files first and opens a form for backup restore, but the machine just flashes the title of the form a few times and closes, despite the fact that I have included all files. Tried some path tricks, no luck. The program works fine if I delete a file on the W7 machines that have full VFP9 installed, and runs normally with all files present. I really would like to be able to distribute this program with InstallShield. I’m not a pro, but a pretty good debugger, this has me stumped. Any suggestions are welcome.

    1. Inno did not work either. Despite adding all of the files needed, it says they are not accessible when I run the install msi on another machine. Do I have to create directories and copy all the files first? Otherwise, any other suggestions on using InstallShield? It seems to copy all the needed files and compiled .exe but when I try to run them I get a screen flash only.

  39. hi guys
    can someone able to help me

    i have been installed VFP 9 but its not displaying chinese characters

  40. I have a legacy VFP web app where I rely on a VFP automation server to debug locally. It works by simply doing this:

    oVfp = CREATEOBJECT(“VisualFoxPro.Application.9”)

    This has worked on every version of windows except for Win 10. The visible=.T. does not make VFP visible.

    This works just fine:
    oXl = CREATEOBJECT(“excel.application”)

    I can reproduce this behavior through the VFP command window. I am wondering if there is a compatibility setting that could possibly make VFP show itself or if there is something with my specific install. I’ve tried many things with no luck.


  41. Please help!!!
    I’m currently run very old database program and it’s call Foxpro. I need to fix the invoice print because every time I printed and it come out under QTY **** on A5. If anyone has a program please let me know. Cheers

    1. Mike – you need to join the FoxPro community site called and then post your question there. People can help you fix this. You need to open this report in the FoxPro Report Designer, and click on the field that displays this QTY value then stretch it wider so it can display all of the values. If the value is too wide to fit in the width of the textbox control on a Report, FoxPro will print “******” to indicate there is a formatting problem.

      Again, join that Foxite web site and ask for help there.

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